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This is a question that many of us Etsy sellers ponder with on a regular basis. Not knowing which sites are worth promoting on and which ones are not can be a confusing task. Let’s face it, the last thing an Etsy seller wants to do is waste money on advertisement. However, there are ways to promote and advertise your shop without throwing away your hard earned profits.
I think it’s important to mention, while advertisements might not lead to direct sales right away, it will help you with branding your shop and getting your name out there to potential customers. Another element that is important is consistency. You need to promote your shop on a consistent basis, not just during certain holidays or once in a while. This may mean starting a blog and posting content on related topics that interest your target demo. Patience is also key, while you may not see results overnight , it’s important to track your online activity, which can be done using Google Analytics.
The first thing that is important to look at is your current customers. Look at the types of customers that your shop attracts. Your customer makeup defines your target market. What are some of your customer’s hobbies and likes, where are they “hanging” out online? These sites are potential opportunities to advertise on.
It’s also great to find ways to promote yourself. For instance, if you’re on Twitter or Facebook, don’t just randomly tweet a link to your store or add a link on Facebook. Be creative with your message. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and think to yourself, what message would make you click on a link.
Check out other blogs that may appeal to your customers and see if they offer advertising. Pick your top three to advertise on and ask the blog owner for their reader breakdown stats to determine if it’s worthwhile advertising on their site.