- Article published at:
- Article author: thepinklocket
- Article tag: Holiday
- Article comments count: 0
Calling all Etsy sellers! We’re changing up how we feature Etsy sellers on blog every week. Now you can nominate your Etsy shop to be featured on our blog. Every Wednesday we’ll be featuring a new Etsy shop. This is a chance for FREE promotion of your creative craft and Etsy shop. If you would like to have your Etsy shop featured just send an email to info@thepinklocket.com with “Feature My Etsy Store” in the subject line along with following:
-2 pictures of your product (jpg format)
-Link to your Etsy store
-Answers to the following questions:
1. Tell me briefly about your Etsy store
2. What’s the story behind your craft?
3. What are your greatest inspirations?
4. What gets you going creatively?