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Drawer menu
Spring is almost here and this is the time of year we like to clean EVERYTHING and get organized. For women one area that can get disorganized is our jewelry area. Here are some beautiful and wonderful ways you can rearrange you jewelry box this spring. The key is to keep all of your pieces visible so that you can see what you have.
This jewelry display is very simple and cost effective, with some foam board and your favorite scrapbook paper you can achieve the same look. Then you can use trays to store your watches and cute old jewelry boxes to hold your bangles. When I saw this on Honey We’re Home blog–I had to re-post it!
This next idea comes from DIY Design Fanatic blog. With a piece of plywood, your favorite fabric and really nice dresser drawer handles you can create this beauty. What I love most about this design is the silver hardware against the aqua stencil.
This is a great way to make use of those seldom used tea cups or if you don’t have any, try shopping thrift stores for a few cute and colorful ones. Even small dishes work well. These are great for storing rings, small earrings or dainty necklaces. I saw this great display on Elisabeth Newton’s blog.
This DIY jewelry tree is absolutely breathtaking. Adding the mirror beneath it gives it a nice touch as well. With some tree branches, spray paint and glue you too can have something this beautiful. Check out Centsational Girl blog for instructions.