Back to school is never an easy task for Mom or for the kiddies. Between school supplies shopping and clothing shopping it gets hectic. Why not add your personal touch to your back to school look–even Mom can join in the fun! I even added a classic pen for all those classic information forms that kids bring home after their first day back…oh we enjoy filling out those every year!!!
It’s Giving Tuesday and today we’re donating 25% of each sale to a wonderful organization called Girl Effect. The Pink Locket is all about empowering confidence in women, Girl Effect does just that they empower young girls to be confident and change the world. So let’s support this wonderful organization and get your shopping on.
Out of all of the shopping days this weekend, if there’s one day I like the most it would be Small Business Saturday, and not just because I’m a small business owner, but because there are so many small business out there just doing their thing, so why not support them. Here are my […]